Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Setlist Sept 13 09

This was a good service this morning. We started with a slow and funky/rocky version of My Redeemer Lives, then an equally rousing version of Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus. We continued with an original worship song by Arturo LaCruz called To The Glory of His Name. We finished up our first set with King of Wonders.

Hopefully, most people didn't notice we were just supposed to go into a time of prayer and instead the group moved into a chord progression that belonged to a song we were doing at the end of service. Sometimes it is easy to get a little lost in the attitude of worship and lose our place. It doesn't happen often, but there we were. For about four bars (seeming an eternity onstage), we were totally lost. But the keyboard went into that progression, and I have a very exposed part in the song on soprano sax. There was a point in that progression where I had to decide to either go with the progression the way it was being played or not play and leave the band hanging. I figured I could work my way out of it if I was wrong, so I went at it, full blast. I think only a few people who are familiar with our music flow caught it, but boy did I feel like I was in my underwear there for a while! All ended well, but for a few, crazy seconds it was panic city. Here is the set:

My Redeemer Lives (F)
Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (G)
To The Glory Of His Name (G)
King of Wonders (A)

End of Service song (the one we started too early!):
The Solid Rock (E)

Dr. Jeff Adams continued his series out of Nehemiah entitled "The Men Behind the Wall." You can see the messages on line at Today we were in Chapter 4, verses 1-6, regarding the opposition of Sanballat and Tobiah. And yes, those are my saxes behind Jeff! ;-)

Check out other Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon's blog.